Volunteer With Lost Chord UK To Bring Joy Through Music

Join Us In Bringing Joy Through Music

Lost Chord UK is seeking warm, empathetic, and enthusiastic volunteers to help us run our latest projects dedicated to bringing joy and music to the lives of people living with dementia and other neurological conditions.

Volunteer With Us

Join our super-friendly and committed care and community volunteers, supporting individuals and their carers in care home settings or in the wider community. Our sessions take place in dementia cafes, places of worship, community centres, libraries, and with our partners, creating an interactive, fun, friendly, and safe environment.

Why explore our meet the Volunteer page, sharing the incredible journeys of our passionate volunteers? Read more about their personal stories and discover what drew them to Lost Chord UK and the profound impact they’ve had on the lives of those we serve.

Roles We’re Looking For

1. Volunteer Care Setting: Support Lost Chord UK professional musicians in inspiring interactive music sessions in care, nursing, and residential home settings. Interact with people, encourage them to sing, and connect with others.

2. Volunteer in Community Settings: Assist our Community Session Musicians who work closely with larger audiences in libraries, community centres, theatres, memory cafes, and places of worship. Encourage participation, song writing, and performances, including community choirs.

3. Fundraising & Ambassador Volunteers: Help raise awareness about Lost Chord UK or raise funds in your local community. Share the impact of our work through talks, sharing flyers at events, or gather impact feedback from our interactive music sessions.

4. Trustee Volunteer: Contribute ideas, skills and knowledge and become a Lost Chord UK trustee. We’re currently seeking trustees with backgrounds in Diversity and Inclusion, Law and Contracts, and Charitable Experience. Click here to find out about becoming a Trustee.

5. Operational Volunteer: Support our Operations team and power our agile operations. Use your current skills to make a big difference in areas like technology, accountancy, PR, and promotions.

6. Socials Volunteer: If you’re a social media whiz, join us in spreading the word and showcasing the fantastic impact our musicians and volunteers create every day.

Join us today and become a part of our mission to spread joy through music!
Why Volunteer with Lost Chord UK?

1. Make a Real Difference to people in the community: Your time and effort directly contribute to improving the lives of people living with dementia and other neurological conditions. Experience the profound impact of interactive music on well-being first-hand.

2. Join a Supportive Community: Become part of our warm, friendly, and dedicated team of volunteers who share your passion for bringing joy and connection through music. Forge meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.

3. Flexible Opportunities: Whether you prefer working in care settings, community environments, or behind the scenes, we have roles to suit your interests, skills, and availability. Volunteer on a schedule that works for you.

4. Personal Growth: Gain valuable experience and develop new skills in areas such as communication, teamwork, leadership, and event coordination. Enhance your CV and broaden your horizons through rewarding volunteer experiences.

5. Training and Support: Receive comprehensive training and ongoing support from our experienced team. We’ll provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed in your role and make a positive impact.

6. Feel Good Factor: Experience first-hand satisfaction of knowing that your contributions make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Witness the smiles, laughter, and sense of community that your efforts help to create.

7. Networking Opportunities: Connect with professionals in the healthcare, charity, and music sectors. Expand your network and build valuable relationships that could lead to future opportunities or collaborations.

8. Recognition and Appreciation: Your hard work and dedication will be recognised and appreciated by both Lost Chord and the people you serve.

9. Personal Fulfilment: Volunteering with Lost Chord UK offers a unique opportunity to find fulfilment and purpose in helping others. Experience the joy of making a positive difference in the world while enriching your own life in the process.

Join us at Lost Chord UK and become part of a movement dedicated to using the transformative power of music to uplift and inspire those in need. Your contribution matters, and together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of People and their carers in communities across the UK.

How to Volunteer

To join us simply complete our short application form online here or contact Lynsey Greenwood our Operations Manager at: Lynsey@lost-chord.uk to discuss your availability and find the most appropriate group near you.

Join Lost Chord UK as a volunteer and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve. We can’t wait to welcome you to our team!

Meet some of our Lost Chord UK Volunteers

Listed alphabetically by their surname

Pete Dye, LCUK Volunteer

“Retiring in 2019 and deciding I needed to give something back whilst fit and well. I came across Lost Chord through an event with my choir and knew as a volunteer I could put a smile on peoples faces and on mine as well. It was poignant that the first care home I attended was the very same one that my mother had passed away in a few years earlier – a sign I believed; whether it is care homes, community halls or local churches it is a privilege to see the response from those in the room – smiling, singing along or sharing a dance, reflecting on their happy pasts as indeed do I also.”

Did you know… Pete was selected as a Coronation Champion >

Janet Cole, LCUK Volunteer

Janet Cole, LCUK Volunteer“I began volunteering for Lost Chord in March 2004 – 19 years ago! It’s been fun, moving and very rewarding to meet many different characters, hear their special stories and witness transformations through the power of wonderful music.

Still memorable years later is the lady who changed from angry, swearing and abusive to pleasant, grateful and engaged after being touched by a Celtic tune. It’s lovely when carers witness a usually non-communicative or immobile resident beginning to sing along, move or dance.

Most memorable accolade? Resident who said after a concert – ‘That was worth putting your teeth in for!’ Priceless!”

Gill Goodrich, LCUK Volunteer

I first became aware of Lost Chord after watching a presentation about their work in the interval of a Vivacity choir concert. My friend and I were moved to tears and I decided that it was something I would like to be involved in once I had retired. Fast forward a few years and on 2nd September 2019 I took part in my very first session as a volunteer. It is honestly one of the most rewarding things I have ever done and I feel hugely privileged to be part of the team who can make such a difference.”

Marg Pemberton, LCUK volunteer

Marg Pemberton, LCUK volunteer“I’ve been a volunteer with Lost Chord since 2010. It’s been a privilege to assist some wonderful professional musicians bringing their music to residents in many care settings. The pleasure that music brings to the audience is a delightful experience for me as well as for them.

I love to interact with members of the audience, and it’s amazing how music initiates conversations and recollections from those who may be struggling with day to day situations, and the community singalongs are now reaching out to even more people.”

Nick Summerbell, LCUK volunteer

Nick Summerbell, LCUK volunteer“I’ve been a volunteer with Lost Chord for a number of years. I enjoy seeing people being entertained and having a good time singing and dancing. It makes me happy to be part of their uplifting experience.