Luke Carver Goss, Accordion, Singer

“I have been working for LCUK since 1999, since the charity was founded by Helena Muller. During that time I’ve performed and run workshops at hundreds of care homes, drop-in conversation groups, churches, community centres, respite care centres and hospitals. Singing for and with people brings us together and gives us a sense of who we are and what we have done in our lives. There have been many occasions when someone sings a complete song solo to me with all the words. Their carer or family may be alongside them and in tears because they have not heard them speak for months. It seems that music and words can stay in place together after dementia has robbed someone of their ability to speak.
I love the general good feeling of a spirited Lost Chord singalong with our new soup and sing groups. At our singing group at the Quaker Meeting House in Sheffield we also compose a song on the hoof which is met with enthusiasm and sometimes hilarity. At our last meeting the local vicar came in and asked if he could do an Elvis impression! When LCUK hits the high notes, we hit them proud! Come to a Lost Chord session to find out!”
Lost Chord UK Musician