Lost Chord and Tesco Bags of Help initiative

Lost Chord and Tesco Bags of Help initiative

Lost Chord calls out for votes to bag a share of bag charge fund LEADING South Yorkshire dementia charity Lost Chord is bidding to bag a massive cash boost from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative. Tesco teamed up with community charity Groundwork to launch its...
Lost Chord celebrates a People’s Project victory!

Lost Chord celebrates a People’s Project victory!

Lost Chord celebrates a People’s Project victory! SOUTH Yorkshire dementia charity Lost Chord has something to sing about after being awarded almost £50,000 by the People’s Project! The Big Lottery Fund, ITV and The National Lottery teamed up to give the UK public the...
Lost Chord is hoping to launch its first charity shop

Lost Chord is hoping to launch its first charity shop

Lost Chord is hoping to launch its first charity shop in Rotherham… …later this year and is looking for enthusiastic and reliable volunteers, to help maximise sales which will help to fund interactive musical sessions for people with dementia in...
Lost Chord celebrates a People’s Project victory!

WINNER in The People’s Project 2017

*** WINNER in The People’s Project *** We are delighted to announce that Lost Chord is one of the 3 projects with the most votes in the Peoples Project therefore securing the top Award and £49,884!! This is all down to the amazing efforts of all the people out...
Special wedding day gift for Lost Chord

Special wedding day gift for Lost Chord

Special wedding day gift for dementia charity Lost Chord NEWLY weds Andy and Judith Howden wanted just one special gift on their big day…and it wasn’t for them. Instead of the usual wedding presents, the happy couple asked that their guests should make donations to...