Lost Chord had a very exciting meeting about a community pilot project coming soon, which if successful could be rolled out in a town and city near you.

The meeting was held at the fabulous Vintage Booth Tea Room  in Maltby where Lost Chord has its HQ. This place is amazing, run by three incredible Ladies, who have created a physical memory cafe. It was very moving to see the people come and go. One gentleman with dementia comes every day and sings along or dances to the fabulous music and the Ladies who run the cafe, make time for him. He left with the biggest smile on his face and it obviously gives him a reason to get up. It also delays the day he may have to go into residential care.

Keeping living independently as long as possible is so important. Memory cafés like this and Lost Chord community concerts all help stimulate the brain and combat loneliness and improve wellbeing and mental health which in turn impacts on physical health! Thank you to the lovely Ladies who have hearts of gold.

We just had to share this news with you and we will let you know more details about the project in the coming months. To stay up-to-date why not subscribe to our Newsletter Email updates via the form below.