“Those with dementia are still people and they still have stories and they still have character and they’re all individuals and they’re all unique. And they just need to be interacted with on a human level” – Carey Milligan.
Our Musicians
“I find Lost Chord’s work deeply fulfilling and believe it makes a difference. To spark off thoughts and emotions in people through music and song is priceless.” – Orpheus Papafilippou
‘It is really heart warming to see the change in the residents in the homes we go to. This work is so rewarding and we see the big positive impact it can have on all those people in our audiences.’ – Nadine Orlowsky Story
“It is fantastic to be involved with Lost Chord and to witness the astounding and moving reactions through the music that we make.” – Joanne Mcgahon
Find out more about Lost Chord Musicians.
Our Volunteers
We are so grateful to our dedicated team of volunteers who regularly assist our musicians at the concerts around the UK, THANKYOU.
We’d also like to express our gratitude to all our volunteers who not only help out on a weekly basis at the concerts but also manage to find time to help at our fundraising events – we couldn’t do it without you! To find out more about Volunteering at Lost Chord visit our Volunteering page.
Benefits to carers
Carers from the residential homes regularly tell us that Lost Chord has enhanced their understanding of the therapeutic value of live music and makes a real difference to how they approach people with dementia across all other areas of their care work.

The carers also benefit from their exposure to the interactive musical sessions. They are clearly starting to understand and appreciate the therapeutic nature of music and as we build on these achievements with them, it will in turn have a very positive effect on those they care for. For example, some carers are now adopting techniques used by the musicians in their work with residents, which shows how the sessions give added value to the staff members’ own continuing professional development.
Lost Chord is looking for people who may be interested in becoming Trustees. Visit: Staff and Trustees page for more information.
We are most fortunate to have such wonderful, supportive Patrons. Click here to find out more about Lost Chord Patrons.
Without funders there would be no Lost Chord. We depend on donations and fundraising to keep going. Read more about our Funders.