Lost Chord holds Auditions 2022

Lost Chord holds Auditions 2022

Lost Chord holds auditions for professional musicians and singers, throughout the year in London, Cardiff and Yorkshire. If you would like to join a team of musicians passionate about making a real difference in the lives of people living with dementia, please email:...
Lost Chord holds Auditions 2022

Lost Chord Dementia Charity is looking for new trustees

Winston Churchill said “You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give.” Do you feel called to give life’s most precious commodity – your time to some charity work but are not sure where to start? Why not think about becoming a...
The powerful connection between music and dementia

The powerful connection between music and dementia

A shocking statistic from NHS England highlights the saddening truth that only 5% of people in care homes and living with dementia have access to art and music. Here at Lost Chord we know just how important music is and this blog on the NHS England website entitled...