Tribute to Jean Robson

Tribute to Jean Robson

Tribute to Jean Robson. We at Lost Chord are all devastated to hear that after a 14 year struggle with cancer one of our volunteers Jean Robson died on Friday 1st June. Jean was a wonderfully dedicated and invaluable volunteer – one of the best who would do anything...
Lost Chord Golf Day 2018

Lost Chord Golf Day 2018

Lost Chord Golf Day 2018 Good to see a woman’s team came second – Do the men need to rethink their strategy for next year?The women’s team were Emily Charlesworth, Janet Jones, Angela Lord and Jill MacDonald winning silver champagn cork openers The women’s team were...
Astounding News!

Astounding News!

Astounding News as Joanne McGahon, one of Lost Chord’s Sopranos, was asked to sing in front of Her Majesty The Queen On the 6th December 2017, Joanne McGahon, one of Lost Chord’s Sopranos, was honoured to be asked to sing in front of Her Majesty The Queen at the 150th...
Forget Me Not, A Song to Remember

Forget Me Not, A Song to Remember

Forget Me Not, A Song to Remember Students (Guster, Emma, Courtney, Jessica, Tirana) from the Faculty of Business and Law at Coventry University completing an Event Management course were moved to do a concert in aid of Lost Chord on 22nd March raising £293.99. Well...
Anston Stitch & Sew Group

Anston Stitch & Sew Group

Anston Stitch & Sew Group The ‘Anston Stitch and Sew Group’ laboured for weeks to produce a magnificent bedspread, which was raffled by Sandra Blockley MBE, raising £850, to pay for up to nine sessions in Alzheimer’s Memory Cafes, impacting on more than 400 people...